Accident rate maps


Accident rate maps

About 5 000 crashes of vehicles with animals are reported in the Czech Republic every year and the material damage caused by such accidents recorded by Police Czech Republic exceeds the amount of 150 milion CZK per year.


Traffic infrastructure construction creates anthropogenic barriers in the landscape that significantly obstruct free movement of animals.

Our map app depicts particular dangerous places with higher concentration of traffic accidents with animals. By means of the so-called HEAT-map, it is possible to instantly and simply determine spots of frequent traffic accidents in your neighborhood. The map uses intuitive routing that automatically adds the total amount of recorded crashes on the chosen route including the damage quantification. Part and parcel of the app is the export option of the dangerous spots on the selected route into the .GPX file and the import into your own devices.

With this app we simultaneously make efforts to reduce animal mortality on roads and to enhance the traffic safety.

The app took part in the ESNC 2014 competition, organized by Ministry of Transport Czech Republic, taking the fifth place and winning the prize of 2000 EUR.


  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript
  • Leaflet
  • MySQL
  • QGIS